Receipt #33449 to Local Community Helpers
Mileage for shopping trip
Submitted by Zita Roberts•Approved by Sharon Simpson
Feb 7, 2021
Total amount £2.79 GBP
Paid to
payout method
Collective balance
Expense policies
Expense policies
Expenses Policy – April 2020
The principle in relation to expenses is that Community Coronavirus Care (CCC) is reliant on the support it receives from Volunteers and Community Helpers, who should be neither out of pocket nor have any financial gain when working voluntarily on CCC related activity. This policy should explain what can be expensed and how to obtain reimbursement.
Volunteers and Call Handlers are actively encouraged to claim for expenses and should not be out of pocket.
Car Travel Travel by car is encouraged for safety reasons. Please ensure that you have checked with your car insurance provider that the use of the car for volunteering is permitted. Most UK insurers cover this at the present time but it is the volunteer’s responsibility to ensure this is the case.
Mileage will be paid: • From normal home (i.e. address registered with CCC) to the task then to the clients address and home again at 45p per mile; • For return trips if collecting or delivering items on behalf of CCC; • Any other CCC approved related trip. Mileage expenses should be claimed using the Travel & Mileage Expenses Claim Form and submitted as soon as possible, ideally fortnightly. Please keep a record of your trips and dates, we will cross reference this against the call log. Note that car parking charges for volunteering work is an allowed expense, but CCC will not pay any parking or driving fines issued.
On proof of receipt and via the expenses system, CCC will reimburse any costs incurred with purchasing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to include, gloves, masks, aprons and sanitiser gel up to a maximum of £20.
Any purchase of goods, services or fees in excess of £40 must be approved in advance by an administrator.
See Financial Policy for expenditure over £100.
Administration costs CCC will also reimburse the actual costs of postage, telephone calls and other reasonable incidental expenses which you necessarily incur as part of your duties as a volunteer or community helper. Please provide full details on the claim, supported by receipts or other back up documentation, where appropriate. Purchase of Emergency Supplies CCC will reimburse the costs of emergency supplies bought on behalf of a client when they have no access to funds and have been referred to the relevant organisations for ongoing support. For example, an emergency food parcel whilst waiting for a FoodBank referral to be processed. Note: This is not exclusively limited to food but a maximum cost must be agreed with a member of the administration team beforehand in all cases. Emergency supplies must not include the purchase of alcohol, cigarettes or cards/gifts.
Subsistence CCC will not pay subsistence costs (food or drinks) for volunteer works except in exceptional circumstances agreed in advance with an administrator.
Childcare CCC will not pay for childcare expenses.
Receipts Valid VAT invoices or receipts must support all expenses claim forms. It is recognised that there will be times when a receipt is not obtainable, for example, car park charges. In these cases, please take a photograph of slips, tickets and/or signage or provide electronic proof (i.e. Ringo email/text message).
Travel & Mileage Expense Claim Forms Travel & Mileage Expense Claim Forms are available electronically from Jo Manby or the Finance Administrators via [email protected] These should be used to evidence your claim on the Open Collective platform.
Submission of Expense Claims
Please ensure you submit your claim with receipts and/or Travel & Mileage Expense Claim Form via the Open Collective platform ( as soon as possible, or within two weeks of the expense, to ensure prompt reimbursement.
If your expense is related to a task performed directly on behalf of a client, please obtain the unique job number first from [email protected] as it must be entered onto the expense claim.
See Expenses Step by Step document for further instructions.
Approval Process Approval for expenses will be managed by the CCC Financial Administrators on the Open Collective platform. A Financial Administrator cannot approve their own expenses request nor that of any direct relation or partner. Financial Administrator expenses will be approved by another administrator of CCC.
Payment of claims The Open Collective platform will make payments by BACS as soon as is reasonably practical after a claim has been submitted with the receipts and Travel & Mileage Expense Claim form, if appropriate, and relevant volunteer bank account details supplied (and generally within 7 days).
Note: Be aware that all expenses are publicly viewable and your name and amount will be visible to users of the Open Collective page (no sensitive information will be seen).
Sometimes things can go wrong and we will wish to get these issues resolved quickly and to the satisfaction of all parties. If these is any issue with expenses, please contact the Senior Coordinators immediately on the email address: [email protected].
References Travel & Mileage Expense Claim Form Expenses Step by Step
How do I get paid from a Collective?
How are expenses approved?
Is my private data made public?
When will I get paid?
Why do you need my legal name?
Collective balance
£0.00 GBPFiscal Host:
The Social Change Nest