Open Collective
Open Collective
Transition of M4BL Money Pot
Published on August 5, 2024 by Jazz

 To Our Dear Community of Contributors and Comrades,

We hope this message finds you well amidst this politically and environmentally heated climate. We are writing this overdue message to inform you about a significant change regarding the M4BL DC Money Pot program.

In March, our fiscal sponsor, Open Collective Foundation (OCF), gave us one month's notice of its dissolution and immediate cease in our operations, which necessitated a temporary pause in our program while we secured a new fiscal sponsor. After months of trail and error,  we are pleased to announce that we are now sponsored by the Greater Washington Community Foundation (GWCF).

This change is ultimately beneficial for our mission. The sponsorship from GWCF comes with a 1.5% fee compared to the 8% fee we paid to OCF. This substantial reduction in administrative costs will save hundreds of your donated dollars, allowing more funds to be allocated directly to supporting the people doing great work in the DC metro area.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this transition and are eager to start operating again. Currently, we are in the final stages of the process of publishing of our new donation site and transitioning remaining funds and documents from this platform to GWCF accounts. Once we have the new donation site set up within the next week or so, we will provide you with the details to continue your generous support.

While this transition has been challenging, we remain dedicated to the mission of mutual aid, collective liberation, and supporting the much-needed grassroots organizing happening in our community. Thank you for your continued commitment to the mission as well.

In solidarity,
Jazz, Rebecca, Naiya, Lasitha, Ajoke, and Marybeth