Open Collective
Open Collective

Kristopher Ali

Game developer working on Reia, an open-source action & adventure RPG!

Total amount contributed

$224.00 USD


Recurring Contributions


Active contribution

Amount contributed

$24.00 USD / year

($24 + $0)

Contributed to date

$224.00 USD


Transparent and open finances.

View All Transactions  →

Debit from Kristopher Ali to Reia •

Contribution #772867
Contribution #772858
↑ Total contributed

$224.00 USD

↓ Total received with expenses

--.-- USD


Currently focused on working on Reia and VISP.

About Reia

Reia is an open-source action adventure RPG that can be played both offline or online for an MMO experience. It's built using Godot GDScript and Zig and leverages MongoDB and Turso for data persistence. The website is built with SvelteKit.
Reia has a collective you can fund: here

About VISP

VISP is a Video, Image, Sound, and Social Media Posting tool built with Rust and Dioxus. It uses GStreamer to process and manipulate the incoming media.