Open Collective
Open Collective
Open Collective Update: No action needed
Published on March 4, 2024 by Skylar Karzhevsky

Hello MAMAS community!

If you are a grocery pair, you may have already received this information. MAMAS received unexpected and disappointing news last week that The Open Collective Foundation is dissolving and will no longer be able to be MAMAS' fiscal sponsor for tax donation purposes.
For donors: The MAMAS coordinators are working hard to find a new fiscal sponsor so we can resume receiving donations as soon as possible after the March 15 closure (folks can still get reimbursement after March 15: that will not change). We can still receive donations to the Open Collective platform for the next 11 days if anyone in your network was planning to donate. If you are a recurring donor to MAMAS we will be reaching out with further instructions how to keep your donations current once we resolve our new fiscal sponsor situation.
The Open Collective platform is a separate entity from the Foundation, so will remain open, and MAMAS has enough money in our account to honor all February, March and April reimbursements as planned.

For pairs: this will not affect your ability to get reimbursed for monthly pairing expenses.
You will still be able to submit receipts for reimbursement for your pairing the same way you have been for the last year, and if the way we are doing reimbursement should change at any point in the future we will give you as much advance notice as we can. 

MAMAS is committed to being transparent about our finances and fiscal sponsorship. If you have any questions at all please do reach out to [email protected] but please understand that this situation is developing, and we are doing our best to abide by the MAMAS values of building trust and keeping it simple.

- Solidarity from MAMAS Coordinators