Open Collective
Open Collective
2 New Installs and a Python Package
Published on May 6, 2020 by James Vorderbruggen

Hello to all of our lovely backers!

It's been a while since I gave an update, and we've been quite busy for the last few months. A couple things we've been doing since last update:

  • We installed two new secure wireless hot-spots. Many thanks to our generous hosts, John and Charlie. While each of these installs took a couple days to complete, we learned many lessons that will help us stabilize our install process. Which is a great segway to our other update...
  • We have checked in our first hosted Python project! You can now download mm-cli, our command-line utility for connecting to the Yggdrasil network, from PyPi. This is a small step toward stabilizing our firmware builds, and making offline installs possible. (Please note that this is intended for use on a Raspberry Pi, specifically.)
  • We've also been hosting weekly "What is Mesh?" virtual meetings on Jitsi to spread the word and recruit new members. So far, we've reached about 10 people in just over a month.

I hope you're reading this in good health, and that we'll see you at one of our meetups soon.


James V