Open Collective
Open Collective
Sponsors Update - April 2024
Published on May 9, 2024 by Ruth Cheesley

Hello awesome supporters of Mautic!

Here in the UK spring is definitely in full swing and summer is just around the corner, I'm really enjoying the longer days and the warm sunshine. I hope that all is well wherever you are in the world and whatever season it might be!

New members

April has been a great month for the project, as we welcomed two new corporate members - Acquia and the Drupal Association - along with over $1,500 in monthly donations and three new individual members joining. You can read more detail in my Open Startup Report which was just published.

Mautic trials launch

We're also getting really strong traction with our official Mautic Trials which launched at the end of March, with over 500 individuals trying out Mautic for the first time and having the opportunity to do so within a hosted environment. So far we've had some really helpful feedback from trial users, and we continue to iterate and improve the experience we're providing.

To date we have two confirmed conversions and several conversations which are potentially leading to paying customers, which will result in a 40% revenue share coming back to the Mautic project for the first year. This is quite a new thing that we're trying, and we look forward to seeing how it grows over the coming months.

Full steam ahead with Mautic Conference Global 2024

Towards the end of the month we announced the dates for Mautic Conference Global 2024. Those of you who joined us at Mautic Conference India are probably wondering about the date change from what was announced there - unfortunately it clashed with an existing event which we weren't aware of previously, necessitating moving to a later date.

We already have several sponsors signed up and we've almost sold out our super early bird tickets, which are on sale until 9pm GMT this evening - so don't miss out if you want to snag one of the cheapest tickets to the event of the year!

The Call for Speakers is also open until the 13th May, so make sure you get your proposals submitted in good time.

We will also be holding the General Assembly during the second day, so be sure to join as a member if you want to have a say in how Mautic is run.

Mautic awarded two funded projects in Google Summer of Code

This year we were absolutely delighted to be accepted as a Summer of Code mentoring organisation. This amazing project which has been running for 20 years involves Google funding university students or those new to open source for a period of three months, where they work on tightly defined projects for open source projects.

We were guaranteed to receive funding for one project but we had two very strong proposals. Sometimes if there's enough funding, Google allocates extra projects to new organisations and we were fortunate to have our second project selected.

This means that we have two students working for three months each on some really exciting projects. Read more in our blog post announcing the projects and be sure to follow the Assembly on the Community Portal for updates on their progress.

That's it for this month folks, thank you as ever for supporting Mautic and please do consider becoming a Member of Mautic if you're not already!