Open Collective
Open Collective
Sponsors Update - June 2024
Published on July 15, 2024 by Ruth Cheesley

Hello awesome supporters of Mautic, I hope you've had a wonderful June!

June has been a busy month in the Mautic community as we ramped up towards Mautic Conference Global in early July - many hours of planning, preparation and a fantastic team of volunteers coming together to support everything from leading a track to writing social media posts and maintaining the website infrastructure.

It's really great to see when the community comes together in pursuit of a common goal with such energy and enthusiasm, and collaborating across countries and cultures.

Unsurprisingly, we have had extra income in June related to sponsorship for Mautic Conference Global, however we did also welcome a new Community Tier member. Unfortunately we didn't raise as much as we'd hoped in sponsorship for Mautic Conference Global, so we are now aiming to increase sponsorship from our upcoming in-person conference and also continuing with efforts to welcome more corporate members.

Of course, the big news in June was the release of Mautic 5.1, the Andromeda Edition, which was a phenomenal effort by all concerned and represents a big leap forward in the work that the UX/UI Tiger Team is focusing on to improve the experience for marketers who use Mautic.

You can read an update from the Product Team Lead, Mattias Michaux, about the mission of this Tiger Team and how they're going about working collaboratively with the community.

We also shipped some nice new features and enhancements - I encourage you to check out the release notes if you haven't already!

In June we've also appointed two new provisional members to the Security Team - Patryk Gruskza and Nick Vanpraet. A big thank you to both for being willing to step up and support this important team.

That's it for now, I hope that you're all keeping well and having great success with Mautic, thank you as ever for supporting Mautic and if you're not yet a member, please do consider becoming a member.

Individual membership is $100 per year (or pro-rated using the Big Mac index) and tiers start from $1,200 per year for a corporate member.