Open Collective
Open Collective

Micro walled wellbeing garden


To create a micro walled wellbeing garden on the waste land enclosed by a low wall on the corner of Hollycot Gardens cul-de-sac.


Transparent and open finances.

Reimbursement #90204
Reimbursement #75449
Reimbursement #74400
Today’s balance

£21.59 GBP

Total raised

£322.05 GBP

Total disbursed

£300.46 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


There is a small area approx 6 square metres of a quarter-pie shaped overgrown wasteland (commonly litter is thrown onto the site) enclosed by a low wall which is located on the corner in the cul-de-sac of Hollycot Gardens.  It has already been dug over.  The ideas is for creating a micro wellbeing walled garden which would include fragrant plants and herbs that are beneficial to peoples wellbeing. These could be picked to use by the residents accessible from the pavement.  For example a variety of English lavender bushes and a Rosemary bush, and Mints, a fragrant bush Mock Orange. The garden would also be beneficial to bees.

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