Mission Mums
Fiscal Host: Open Collective Europe
Supporting refugees as they integrate into their new local communities with training, counseling and the creation of fair-pay jobs.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions

Transparent and open finances.
Skills training
from Deel to Mission Mums •
-€204.37 EUR
Skills training
from Deel to Mission Mums •
-€374.55 EUR
Skills training
from Deel to Mission Mums •
-€351.58 EUR
Today’s balance€48,844.96 EUR
Total raised
€99,876.13 EUR
Total disbursed
€51,031.17 EUR
Estimated annual budget
€240.00 EUR

Mission Mums is building a network of hope and security for mums through work.
We are supporting women refugees as they integrate into their new local communities with training, counseling and the creation of fair-pay jobs.
To achieve our goals, we are carrying out these activities:
To achieve our goals, we are carrying out these activities:
- Providing displaced women with opportunities to utilize their creative skills to support themselves financially
- Designing, funding and implementing programs to support displaced women artisans with craft production, manufacturing, and distribution
- Providing access to business mentorship and support
- Acting as a platform to connect buyers, who want to express their support for the cause, with products designed and hand-made by Ukrainian women
- Providing ongoing support to facilitate business growth and open up new job opportunities for other Ukrainian women
- Providing training programs on craft production
For women with professional experience and skills:
- Supporting with Resume creation
- Skill assessment to determine skills profile and how these could be applied and transferred to jobs in local communities
- Providing job-specific training for example customer service skills, and similar
- Supporting throughout the application process, for example conducting mock-up interviews, or similar
In addition, we support women refugees with their basic needs (clothes, hygiene products, etc) on an as-needed basis.
In order to support our project goals, we may engage in other activities that are in line with our project mission and objectives.
Our team