Open Collective
Open Collective
Thank you for your support in 2022!
Published on November 30, 2022 by Desiree Kane

The Missing Indigenous Sisters Tools Initiative is a digital tool kit that helps families of missing Indigenous women and girls gather information about their missing relatives. We are building tools that gather information from family members and pulls in public data from respected sources to help family members to very quickly and easily get unifying information out to local and regional law enforcement, searches and rescue groups, and more. 

This saves hours of time for family members who are distraught about the loss of their loved one and digitally connects areas of the country with high rates of missing or murdered Indigenous women or girls with areas of the country that have very few resources. MISTI tools complement existing systems by helping to capture all cases accurately without having to duplicate effort or re-interview families. In short, we make tools that helps families find their loved ones by becoming their own private investigators.

We've been able to grow and move into Phase 2 with the fantastic support of Natives In Tech as our new fiscal agent! This means:
  • Phase 2:(our current phase): Listening & Tools selection
    • Visit with groups, organizations, families, and advocates to develop what a concise and effective intake process looks like. Decide which tools will adequately fit the needs identified in this stage and begin automation tools build. Continue to develop press contacts and understanding from press contacts about the best way for MISTI to garner the attention of reporters in various newsrooms. Finalize & distribute workbooks.
Please consider reading about our future plans and support our work either here or via the NIT page:


The MISTI Team