Open Collective
Open Collective
Changes ahead! Upcoming release 1.0.0.
Published on April 24, 2020 by Andreas Schuderer

We just released version 0.1.2, which contains a fix for using OracleDataSource data containing Nulls with Scikit-Learn, and it adds a broad enough foundation of unit tests that enables us to confidently tackle any complex changes and additions that the future might throw at us.

Here's a screenshot to celebrate -- yay! Read on after the picture.

Backstage, we're busy preparing our first big milestone release: version 1.0.0. Besides being new and shiny and just... *better*, it will introduce some changes that might affect the way you work with ML Launchpad:

  • ML Launchpad will leave Beta status and go into Production status. This does not change anything for you, and ML Launchpad will be free and open source forever. If your company needs support, this will be handled through our OpenCollective. Please contact us there if you require support hours.
  • The "version" key in the configuration file's "api" section, which has been deprecated since version 0.1.0, will not be accepted any more from version 1.0.0 on, and an error will be raised if you add it to your configuration (for the next few minor versions at least). The model's "version" key is used as the one, single version for your model-api from now on. The reason is that, in pretty much any conceivable scenarios, the two versions would change at the same time. The corresponding issue on GitHub goes into details.
  • The command line interface will change slightly. The hyphen-prefixes ("--") of the commands "--train", "--predict", "--api" and "--generate-raml" will be removed (as will be the short versions "-t" and so on). Use just "mllaunchpad ... train" etc instead. You can still abbreviate commands using just their first letter(s). The options (e.g. "--config) will stay the same. More details in the GitHub issue.
  • Caching (as configured by the "expires" key in the configuration) will change for OracleDataSource. Right now, the result of any query will be cached according to the "expires" setting, no matter what. Even SQL queries using varying parameters will just be cached if you configure "expires" to -1 of anything larger than 0, yielding the resulting data of the first query even if your new query's parameters (and result) would be different. While this is 99.9% a bug that should (and will) be fixed (and replaced by memoization), some existing implementations might implicitly rely on it, so we're mentioning it here just for good measure.

There's still a lot of work to do, so we'll keep it brief, and for now, to get ML Launchpad 0.1.2:

pip install --upgrade mllaunchpad