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MMMM! Monday 1 May, Movie (The Take: Occupy, Resist, Produce), Meal & Mingling.

Inspiring documetaries, short films by local filmmakers, organic veg curries, + hot & cold drinks

Monday, May 1, 2023, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM (UTC+00:00)
Fiscal Host: United Diversity


United Diversity Bridport and Sustainable Bridport present: MMMM! Monday Movie, Meal & Mingling

Inspiring documentaries, short films by local filmmakers, organic veg curries, hot and cold drinks.

This is the second of an exciting new weekly event for Bridport in the lovely White Room at the Chapel in the Garden (entry via Rax Lane)

This week we'll be screening:

Short from around 6:30pm and then the main feature from around 7:15pm:

The Take: Occupy, Produce, Resist (1 hour 27 minutes) 

The Take is a Canadian documentary film released in 2004 by the wife and husband team of Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis. It tells the story of workers in Buenos Aires, Argentina who reclaim control of a closed Forja auto plant where they once worked and turn it into a worker cooperative. 

In the wake of Argentina's dramatic economic collapse in 2001, Latin America's most prosperous middle class finds itself in a ghost town of abandoned factories and mass unemployment. The Forja auto plant lies dormant until its former employees take action. They're part of a daring new movement of workers who are occupying bankrupt businesses and creating jobs in the ruins of the failed system. Could these pioneers of cooperative ownership be a model for rebuilding Argentina's economy?

A stirring, idealistic documentary that examines the grass-roots cooperative movement in financially devastated Argentina - New York Times

An inspirational tale about the workers who have decided to take back their lives and their livelihood. - Jam Movies

An extraordinarily stirring film - Box Office Magazine

Genuinely moving to see disenfranchised individuals discovering self-determination from the hard ground up - Washington Post

A special film - San Francisco Chronicle

We'll also have:

Delicious organic vegetarian curries each week from Vegie Vortex or Shanti Baba (who also alternate doing the curries at Beach and Barnicott on Wednesdays), plus hot and cold drinks.


The Chapel in the Garden

Our team

Deb and John

Core Contributor


Core Contributor

Tim Crabtree

Core Contributor

Richard Scott

Core Contributor

Ali Edgley

Core Contributor


Core Contributor

Jen Hawkins

Core Contributor


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