Mobile Afya
We provide health information and education in local languages. Our app users can call doctors for free and ask questions about their health and well-being.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support access to health information for vulnerable communities. Who is vulnerable: people living with disabilities, those living in extreme povert... Read more
€0.00 EUR of €4,000 EUR / month raised (0%)
Help us help others. 50% of people in Subsaharan Africa will go through their lives from birth to death without ever seeing a doctor. We bring heal... Read more
Top financial contributors
€5 EUR since Nov 2022
Mobile Afya is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting Mobile Afya.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Christian Staudt to Mobile Afya •
€4.67 EUR
€4.67 EUR
--.-- EUR
--.-- EUR

Let’s get the ball rolling!
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Tech for good - what are you currently supporting?
Published on November 8, 2022 by Mariatheresa Samson Kadushi
Interested to learn about projects that community members are supporting or financing!

In Tanzania, the average is 1 doctor per 20,000 people, resulting in one of the highest global rates of deaths from preventable diseases. WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends 1 doctor per 1,000 people.
In addition to health information, our app users can call doctors and ask questions or seek consultation about their health and well-being. The application works on both feature phones (offline phones) and smartphones.
- COVID-19
- Diseases (Infectious, NCDs and NTDs)
- Basic first aid
- Women's Health (menstrual and maternal health)
- Nutrition education (including for pregnant women)
- Parenting tools (focusing on adolescent health)
Our Sustainability model
Help us help others - WE NEED YOU!
Who is vulnerable: people living with disabilities, those living in extreme poverty (in rural areas), women and people living with chronic diseases such as HIV.
Our team
Mariatheresa ...