Open Collective
Open Collective


Focused on social equity, we're a bastion for individuals and organizations to move forwards together, socially, economically, and as a greater whole.


MomentumBastion is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting MomentumBastion.

James Crumley

Just one step to start a million mile journey.


Core Contributor


What is Momentum Bastion?

A group of like minded people, creators, and friends who believe for-profit companies and social good aren't and shouldn't be treated as mutually exclusive and adopting common practices of empowering individuals and communities which nonprofits focus solely on and thrive through is a practice that benefits companies and society as a whole and we're here to help lead the way. 

What we're actively doing now in the corporate sector

We're volunteering and partnering with companies to help educate and lead them through better pastures of transparency, social inclusion, and healthy community building. Everything from consulting to take a direct hand and role in the process while maintaining public records through knowledgebases, the work being done, videos, and articles catered to help our own team and anyone else interested in our practices to join us on our path. It's about showing the positive impact socially equitable and ethical approaches have on not only brands and products but markets as a whole and providing the foundation to build this out into any industry.

What we're actively doing with individuals

The social welfare system in the USA is confusing and convoluted so we've been taking small steps, one person at a time, providing housing and aid to get them through social welfare and back out into society both in better care for themselves and ready to extend that outward to those around them themselves. When given the best opportunity to succeed and caring people around them most people will prove themselves to be their own miracle. This has been largely done within the confines of NY state and we'd like to expand out one town, city, and county at a time.

Where our funding comes from

  • In the corporate sector there's a three sources of funding, an agreed upon service with an entity, donations from entities benefiting from our work directly or indirectly, or people and communities who've been positively impacted by us directly donating themselves.
  • When working with individuals we ask only that they return the favor in kind when possible, there are no costs imposed on them except for living expenses that they incur when they're finally on their feet and can afford them. Once everyone is settled and on their feet we discuss next steps, including further participation in the program including giving back through service or monetarily and due to the life changing nature of our assistance it's often an obvious choice to further help our growing community here.

Our team

James Crumley

Just one step to start a million mile journey.


Core Contributor