Open Collective
Open Collective
April 2023 Update
Published on May 4, 2023 by Jane Singer

Hello to our friends and comrades,

We have been busy here at Mutual Aid Books! We had our monthly tabling at The Station and were thrilled to connect further with community, as always. We're also working with some community partners to get books out to folks, including to kids. :)

Our political education and working with systems impacted folks subgroups have been doing lots of behind the scenes work to bring our upcoming Read with MAB book group to life! Stay tuned for the launch date, but know that we are also partnering to get this to folks behind bars as well.

We are excited to have a New Member Meeting on this upcoming Tuesday, May 9 at 6 pm on Zoom! Please email us at [email protected] if you're interested in joining! Also feel free to email us with any questions, requests, and ideas.

In solidarity,
Jane and the rest of the MAB team