Open Collective
Open Collective
August 2023 MAB Update
Published on September 9, 2023 by Jane Singer

Happy end of summer from all of us at Mutual Aid Books!

We were busy in August and hope we got to see you in some fashion!

We were so thrilled to join Taking B(l)ack Pride for the third time on August 19 at Othello Park. We provided books, zines, posters, and newspapers, and collaborated with attendees on a booklist of titles that made us feel seen. We also tried a new format of book swapping-- feel free to bring back any titles you've gotten in the past from MAB (check for a sticker at the front or back!) so we can keep sharing with each other.

We were supposed to have our monthly tabling at The Station on August 26 but unfortunately had to cancel due to smoke. We look forward to seeing you there this month on September 30, 1-3 pm!

Thankfully, some of our events are still virtual, so we were able to show up on August 27 for Read with MAB, our reading group of No More Police, this time facilitated by our comrades at No New Washington Prisons! Join us next time on September 24, 6-8 pm.

Finally, we got to table and bring zines to a radical queer and trans youth workshop on August 30! It was a "workshop [to] help connect local and national fights for queer/trans liberation with anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist organizing happening around the world," and it was gorgeous!

We are grateful to you all for supporting the work of Mutual Aid Books! We are running a bit low on funds and could use your help if you have resources to share: financial donations, sharing back books you've received from MAB in the past and are ready to pass on, boosting our work to your network, or any other ways you want to plug in!

With love,
Alex, Jane, and the rest of the MAB team