Open Collective
Open Collective
July 2023 Update
Published on August 8, 2023 by Jane Singer

Hello friends, comrades, and loved ones!
We're coming to you from Duwamish lands, where it has been sunny and generally lovely, but know that many here and across the world are experiencing intense heat events that can be super dangerous. Hoping you all are safe and comfortable in your spaces!

This summer has been busy for Mutual Aid Books! We launched Read with MAB, a book group in which we are reading No More Police by Mariame Kaba and Andrea Ritchie and engaging in deep discussion over several months. Since we had our first meeting on July 27th, the form for sign-ups is no longer accepting responses but if you're interested in participating in any way, reach out by email at [email protected]

We also had our regular monthly pop-up at The Station (last Saturday of the month!) and collaborated with our friends at Pipsqueak to provide books for a Queer Reading Room, silent reading followed by light socializing. Make sure to follow us on Instagram @mutualaidbooks to get the latest on where we'll be.  

Looking forward to connecting with you all in the days, weeks, and months to come!

In solidarity, 
Jane and the rest of the MAB team