Open Collective
Open Collective
October 2022 Update
Published on November 4, 2022 by Jane Singer

Dear all,

We hope you are staying warm, dry, and have access to Vitamin D as we head into the wet, dark, and rainy months here on the unceded lands of the Duwamish people.

In October, Mutual Aid Books continued to support our friends and comrades from COVID19 Mutual Aid and Uprooted & Rising Seattle at their monthly pantry. We delivered books for children in both English and Spanish and connected to provide specific titles of interest for Dia de los Muertos. For the second year in a row, we also provided books for the YES Foundation of White Center's Celebración del Día de Niñx, again providing children's books in both English and Spanish.

We collaborated on and some members attended a mutual aid skill share event hosted by Black Star Farmers. They are hoping to make this a regular event and we look forward to collaborating more in the future!

Looking into November, we will be hosting a pop-up tabling event at The Station on Beacon Hill on Saturday, November 12 from 12-3 pm! We are so excited to get back into the community and hope to see you there! Keep an eye on our Instagram @mutualaidbooks for updates and other opportunities to check us out.

Finally, we want to hear from YOU! Mutual Aid Books is considering making some swag. Would you be interested in getting a t-shirt or tote bag from us? If so, let us know!

As always, we deeply appreciate your solidarity. If you have any questions or feedback, send us an email at seamutualaidbooks (at)

With care,

Jane and the rest of the MAB team