Open Collective
Open Collective
2018 April - Nerves Project Update
Published on April 6, 2018 by Justin Schneck


Thank you for your contribution to the Nerves Project. Your ongoing support has enabled us to do some amazing things. Over the last few months we have been working hard preparing Nerves for its 1.0 release by improving documentation, tests, infrastructure, and more. Your contribution has helped fund the progress of many facets of Nerves including: the code, the hardware test farm, and essential infrastructure services. We have seen an incredible increase in number of Nerves talks and training sessions at conferences and local meetups. To help spread the word and show our own love for Nerves, we created two new T-shirt designs and a fresh batch of stickers. We will be bringing these items to upcoming conferences starting with ElixirConf EU in Poland on April 16th.

To thank you for your contribution, we we would like to send you a goody bag with a T-shirt and some stickers. Please fill out this form so we can send you your gift.

Thanks again for your support,

  • The Nerves Team