Open Collective
Open Collective

Neurodivergent Caregivers (Constellation)

This is a Constellation hopes to provide a space to share, vent, support, celebrate success, and bring caregivers who are also neurodivergent together. For those 16+.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC+01:00)


What are Constellations?

Constellations are non-judgemental Peer Solidarity groups facilitated by the NEUROMANCERS team. They might be support-based drop in groups, educational cohorts, or workshops and some facilitators also offer additional 121 support on a discretionary basis. Like the stars in constellations, we aim to connect neurodivergents across space and time. Learn more here.

Neurodivergent Caregivers

This Constellation is for caregivers aged sixteen and older who care for neurodivergent people and/or who identify as neurodivergent themselves. To deepen our own practice of care, we will pursue wisdom in our collective experiences. We aim to recognize the diverse realities of caregiving, its challenges, and its rewards; to share tips, strategies, and coping mechanisms; and to gather resources to help each other navigate barriers and systems of support at school, work, and in public.  If nothing else, the Constellation provides space for caregivers to share the adventure of caregiving and to affirm that we are not alone in care work.  Monthly meetings on Zoom will be supplemented by follow-up discussions on Discord.

Dates for 2023 (bookable on a monthly basis):
  • 20th June - What do people need as caregivers?
  • 18th July - Being a Caregiver (but not just a caregiver)
  • 15th August - Caring for youth and navigating schools
  • 19th September -  Caring for adults and navigating work
  • 17th October - Navigating health care and services
  • 21st November - Sustainability as a group and as caregivers

About the Facilitators

Kayla (they/them) is a pda AuDHD, queer, nonbinary, mad, disabled person. They and their partner of 16 years, who is also neurodivergent, are caregivers to three neurodivergent delinquents (13, 10 and 7). They are committed to collective liberation and strongly advocate for youth autonomy. They’re passionate about safety in schools & has collaborated with local caregivers and legislatures to pass a restraint and seclusion law. Kayla has informally and formally studied visual arts, education, values based unmasking integration, end of life care (death doula), and they love to express their creativity through various forms of art such as writing, collaging and photography (both analog & digital). When they’re not engaged in creative or special interests, obsessing over their best non human friend Opal, they offer lived experience 1:1 peer support and organizing within their local autistic community.

Jia is a 23 y/o ND non-binary woman who’s very passionate about many things, from the deepest depths of the cryptic to the cutest stuff on earth and beyond. Her main goal in life is to find peace within herself and spread that to her loved ones. She aspires to have her loved ones to be able to know that comfortability and safety comes from a well of love and patience for yourself deep within and that everyone has the ability to be able to harness that inner power that we all have access to. She haven’t been diagnosed medically all her life; she struggled mentally by the time she hit middle school up into highschool, and growing up in an environment where mental health wasn’t really talked about on top of that was difficult. As she continues to surround herself with people who can and will love and support her as she masks less and less, she feels more at ease and in tune with herself and her goals in her life.

Trayle (she/her) is an older white person living in France with an American passport. She is Autistic, Mad, and often in pain. She works to create disability positive (sub?)cultures, especially in education. When she’s not masking, she does her best to love her fatness, do nothing, and make art.

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£23.80 GBP

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£23.80 GBP

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£9.72 GBP