Open Collective
Open Collective

Psych Trauma Survivors (Constellation)

This is a psych trauma survivor only space. By psych trauma, we mean trauma by any aspect of the psy-disciplines, whether it be therapy, inpatient, psychiatric, ABA, or anything else. For those 14+.

Thursday, September 21, 2023, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (UTC+01:00)


What is a Constellation?

Constellations are non-judgemental Peer Solidarity groups facilitated by the NEUROMANCERS team. They might be support-based drop in groups, educational cohorts, or workshops and some facilitators also offer additional 121 support on a discretionary basis. Like the stars in constellations, we aim to connect neurodivergents across space and time. Learn more here.

About Psych Trauma Survivors

This is a space for Psych Trauma survivors by Psych Trauma Survivors only. Anyone is welcome in this space who has experienced harm or has been traumatized by any aspect of the Mental Health Industrial Complex and Psychiatry. This is a Peer led space meaning that we all have shared lived experience which we utilise to create community and educate one another. Based on Discord, this constellation also has monthly Zoom meet ups. Each meeting has a general theme and we will explore these together. For those 14+

Dates for 2023 (bookable on a monthly basis):
  • 16th June - Getting to Know Each Other!
  • 6th July - Understanding Psych Survivorship.
    Reflecting on what it means to be a psych survivor and both the range of experiences as well as the commonalities psych survivorship encompasses.
  • 17th August - Lived Experience Wisdom.
    What do we want others to take away from our lived experience? What can the world gain from our wisdoms?
  • 21st September - Supports and Resources.
    A mutual exchange of effective resources that support us as individuals and as a community.
  • 19th October - Alternatives to the Medical Model.
    Discussing resources and forms of help outside of and beyond medical models of care.
  • 16th November -  Imagining Recovery and Healing.
    Strategizing for accessible and sustainable care and growth. Asking and answering, “What does recovery and healing look like?”

About the Facilitators
Nicole (they/them) is a non-binary, queer, white European person. They are a Mad activist and artist. Nicole is a Peer Support Provider who advocates for the re-radicalization of Peer Support, and their politics are abolitionist and liberationist. They are neurodivergent, disabled, have a history of complex trauma, and are a psychiatric survivor. They are a first generation settler in Colonial Canada and live on Treaty 13 land, also known as the city of Toronto, with their beloved dog Álmos.

Lala Novali (she/he/they) is a multiply disabled, auDHD, Mad, chronically ill, queer, gender-abundant, and biracial Black and white person. They are a psychiatric survivor, and multi-passionate cultural practitioner based on Massachusett and Pawtucket land (so-called "Boston, MA.") Lala's expansive practice of storytelling and organizing is rooted in Thrivation which is the practice, pursuit, and achievement of sustainable community care networks and liberation, informed by their lived experience as a system-impacted person, and based in politics of love, abolition, and collective healing. Connect with Lala @autieshawtie on Twitter and Instagram.

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£228.14 GBP

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£152.45 GBP