Open Collective
Open Collective
cocooned 2.1.0 - Customization and improved support for nested use cases
Published on January 28, 2024 by Gaël-Ian

Cocooned 2.1.0 is a minor release to ease some exotic use cases:


The `cocooned_container` and `cocooned_item` helpers now support a custom tag name as their first argument, for those who'd need to use something else than the default `div` tag they generated so far.

This allows developers to markup their nested form the way they want, be it with tables or with custom Web Components.

Improved support for nested use cases

Cocooned supports nested instances since a very long time now but as these use cases where considered rare, we lacked of some explicit documentation on how to setup them and improvements could be made on how dynamic child item are built.

A first pass on these have been included in Cocooned 2.1.0 and more may come in future releases, as developers give us precious feedback.