Open Collective
Open Collective


Updates on our activities and progress.

Most recent
Rails 8.0 compatibility
Published on November 25, 2024 by Gaël-Ian
We are happy to announce all our gems are 100% compatible with Rails 8.0, released this month. As for Rails 7.2 compatibility a few weeks ago, no new release where needed for most of them as changes only targeted our specs suites or our CI...
Cocooned 2.1.0 is a minor release to ease some exotic use cases: Customization · The `cocooned_container` and `cocooned_item` helpers now support a custom tag name as their first argument, for those who'd need to use something else than the...
Rails 7.1 and Ruby 3.3 compatibility
Published on January 28, 2024 by Gaël-Ian
We are happy to announce all our gems are 100% compatible with Ruby 3.3, released last December. For those depending on Rails or one of its components, we also made sure they will work fine with Rails 7.1 pushed on October.No new release wh...
Following our recent release of Cocooned 2.0, we upgrade today `composite_content` so it can benefit of all improvements made on the other side. The main point is that...
That was a long way to go but, after many weeks (months) of work we are really happy to announce the 2.0.0 release of one of our gems: cocooned. Cocooned started almost 6 years ago as a for...
We are happy to announce a new release of our Vagrant plugin: vagrant-bindfs.vagrant-bindfs integrates...
We are happy to announce the first release of a new Ruby gem of our own : composite_content. composite_content allows Rails developers to add complex contents management to their A...
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