Open Collective
Open Collective

OpenAPI Generator

OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)


OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (both 2.0 and 3.0 are supported). Currently, the following languages/frameworks are supported:

| | Languages/Frameworks | |-|-| API clients | ActionScript, Ada, Apex, Bash, C, C# (.net 2.0, 3.5 or later), C++ (cpprest, Qt5, Tizen), Clojure, Dart (1.x, 2.x), Elixir, Elm, Eiffel, Erlang, Go, Groovy, Haskell (http-client, Servant), Java (Jersey1.x, Jersey2.x, OkHttp, Retrofit1.x, Retrofit2.x, Feign, RestTemplate, RESTEasy, Vertx, Google API Client Library for Java, Rest-assured, Spring 5 Web Client), Kotlin, Lua, Node.js (ES5, ES6, AngularJS with Google Closure Compiler annotations, Flow types) Objective-C, Perl, PHP, PowerShell, Python, R, Ruby, Rust (rust, rust-server), Scala (akka, http4s, scalaz, swagger-async-httpclient), Swift (2.x, 3.x, 4.x), Typescript (AngularJS, Angular (2.x - 7.x), Aurelia, Axios, Fetch, Inversify, jQuery, Node, Rxjs) Server stubs | Ada, C# (ASP.NET Core, NancyFx), C++ (Pistache, Restbed), Erlang, Go (net/http, Gin), Haskell (Servant), Java (MSF4J, Spring, Undertow, JAX-RS: CDI, CXF, Inflector, RestEasy, Play Framework, PKMST), Kotlin (Spring Boot, Ktor), PHP (Laravel, Lumen, Slim, Silex, Symfony, Zend Expressive), Python (Flask), NodeJS, Ruby (Sinatra, Rails5), Rust (rust-server), Scala (Finch, Lagom, Play, Scalatra) API documentation generators | HTML, Confluence Wiki Configuration files | Apache2 Others | GraphQL, JMeter, MySQL Schema

Note: Both "OpenAPI Tools" ( - the parent organization of OpenAPI Generator) and "OpenAPI Generator" are not affiliated with OpenAPI Initiative (OAI)

The donation will be used in the following items:

  • domain names, VPS, emails, etc (if these items are not yet sponsored)
  • reward contributors (e.g. bounties, contributing a new generator)