Open Collective
Open Collective
OCNZ is closing down
Published on June 28, 2024 by Alanna Irving

As we have already informed our Collectives, Open Collective NZ is slowing winding up operations.

Over the last 3 years we've helped Collectives raise and manage nearly $500k, and we're so proud to have played a background support role in their diverse and meaningful mahi, from climate activism to the arts to technology to hapū activities.

OCNZ was an experiment to test demand in Aotearoa for non-charity fiscal hosting (given many project do want charity status to access grants, and others prefer to independently incorporate as an LLC or other type of entity). That turned out to be a small niche, so it never grew to the scale of supporting full time staff, and we no longer have capacity to run OCNZ as a side project.

The process of closing up shop may take months, and we don't intend to rush Collectives out the door. We're supporting them with transition options like moving to another fiscal host, self-hosting using their own bank account, or spending down their balance and closing.

Gift Collective, our sister host here in Aotearoa that does fundholding for charitable projects, is going strong and growing. We encourage any eligible projects that are interested in Open Collective fiscal hosting in NZ to sign up with them.

I want to say a big ngā mihi to everyone who has been involved in OCNZ, including staff members Shannon, Markus, and Ember, and supporters at Gift Collective and Open Collective - and of course to our awesome Collectives, who are the whole reason we gave this a go. 

Mā te wā
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