Open Collective
Open Collective
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes- A new path for ONETWOHEARTU
Published on April 5, 2024 by Brian Orsi

Hello friends

2023 was another amazing year for our work. We hung out, did lots of high fiving, and made incredible connections with each other, all while celebrating artists and supporting the scene. That is the core of what ONETWOHEARTU is about- bringing people together, stirring up good energy, and going back out into the world and doing more.

Right as we had started mapping out our 2024 season, we got word that our host, Open Collective Foundation, would be shuttering. This was unexpected for sure, and as a result, we've had to pull back and regroup.
(We are grateful to OCF for their support these last three years. Their structure has enabled us to be our best selves.)

We spent the last few weeks exploring other hosts, and while we have a few options, we feel the pull of The Great Magnet, drawing us to become "more".
ONETWOHEARTU was always just a piece of the greater vision, and I guess it's time to start building toward that vision.
We've undertaken the process of formalizing our body, and incorporating as a nonprofit in NYS. We intend to go full 501c3 in the coming months.
What does that mean?
That means that our mission will broaden, and so will our ability to carry it out. We will be able to more directly fundraise, apply for grants, and collaborate with our local community and business partners on fulfilling, fun, rad work. That's never going to change. ONETWOHEARTU will be back, an be stronger than before. We had a show back in February. Please keep an eye out for programming as we're able to through the rest of the year.

Thank you to everyone who has donated these past three years, most especially to our monthly supporters. (We hope you'll sign back up once we have the proper structure in place.)
In the meantime, please use the  ONE TWO HEART U Contact Form to sign up for updates, or to express interest in volunteering. While we will not be able to provide tax receipts right now, any continued support would be appreciated during this time. (Reach out and ask us how.)

We'll see you soon!

Brian Orsi