Open Collective
Open Collective
Looking forward to 2024!
Published on December 1, 2023 by Jerry Hall

First off, we are grateful for the Open Collective platform! What a great opportunity to learn from other groups what is working for them, and for us to share our successes.

This year has been relatively transformative in that we were once an autonomous civic-tech focused group of hacks, transitioned into a Code for America Brigade, and have evolved back into an autonomous group. We're grateful for all the CfA personal connections, events, and projects over the last decade.

We have since relocated our bi-monthly meetings into our Southeastern community, which is a traditionally marginalized group of neighborhoods that have a rich collection of non-profits and people working towards an equitable today and tomorrow.   

We are also building a new leadership team, a process we've been accustomed to given the nature of volunteering. We're also looking at ways to become fully sustainable - ideally through fee-for-service projects and/or services. We're keen on learning any tips from other collectives!

As always, we love civic technologists - and people who love research, marketing, and business development. Anyone interested is welcome to visit our site at, join our Meetup and/or projects, and meet with us in-person or virtually. 

We all hope you and yours have a happy holiday season and our collective best year yet!