Open Collective
Open Collective
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Operation Code

Host fee: 30%

Helping veterans and military spouses learn software development, enter the tech industry, and code the future!


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Connected Collectives

Connected Collective
Operation Code PDX
We're helping the military community in Portland learn software development and code the future.

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Operation Code is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting Operation Code.

David Molina

Core Contributor



David Reis

Core Contributor



Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions
Contribution #38050
Contribution #38050

Debit from Operation Code to Operation Code

Added funds #7170
Today’s balance

-$3,500.00 USD

Total income

--.-- USD

Total disbursed

$3,500.00 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Our mission is to help the military community learn software development, enter the tech industry, and code the future! We do this through mentorship, scholarship programs, and community outreach near military bases. Through teaching veterans, transitioning servicemembers, and their families to code with open source projects, we'll be able to help fill our economy's technical talent shortage with our nation's finest.

Our mentorships help to get you on the right path and choose the right code school, we advocate for a more flexible GI bill to help you pay for your education, we offer scholarships to get you to conferences and training, and we curate and make introductions for jobs once you're through school.


We need mentors to help our members grow. We need volunteers to help run our organization. We need finances to continue to grow Operation Code.

Our team

David Molina

Core Contributor



David Reis

Core Contributor