Open Recognition Community App
Development of ORCA (Open Recognition Community App), an open source Open Badges application

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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
€15 EUR since Jul 2024
Open Recognition Community App is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting Open Recognition Community App.

Transparent and open finances.
Contribution #773816
Contribution #773815
Today’s balance€14.56 EUR
Total income
€14.56 EUR
Total disbursed
--.-- EUR
Estimated annual budget
€15.00 EUR

ORCA is a software environment designed to exploit the full potential of Open Badges and Verifiable Claims (sometimes called “micro-credentials”). It enables the development of trustworthy open recognition ecosystems, i.e. spaces where individuals, communities and organisations can make their aspirations, talents, achievements and competencies visible, recognised and actionable.
The building blocks of ORCA are called “Pods” that are like autonomous web servers, providing safe spaces to individuals and communities.
The notion of Pod is fundamental to ORCA's vision of data stewardship and intimacy, a perspective that not only includes privacy but extends it. While absolute privacy might suggest complete disconnection from the external world, intimacy suggests the existence of safe shared spaces where participants can freely interact without the dread of surveillance, exploitation or abuse.
Our team
Patrice PETIT...