
Transparent and open finances.
Ratatui-website Data Pack [recurring]
Hosting & Subscriptions
from Orhun Parmaksız to Ratatui •
-₺169.54 TRY
$4.89 USD
-₺1,266.15 TRY
$36.55 USD
Ratatui merch for conferences
Advertising & Marketing Tangibles
from Orhun Parmaksız to Ratatui •
-₺2,600.59 TRY
$75.78 USD
↑ Total contributed
--.-- USD
↓ Total received with expenses
$106.20 USD


(orhun λ ~) whoami
I'm a GNU/Linux, open-source and electronics enthusiast
who thinks simple, avoids repetitions and always keeps learning.
(orhun λ ~) projects --working-on --maintaining
grapheneX: Automated System Hardening Framework for Linux & Windows
pkgtop: Interactive package manager and resource monitor designed for the GNU/Linux
k3rmit: A VTE-based terminal emulator that aims to be simple, fast and effective
zps: A small utility for listing and reaping zombie processes on GNU/Linux
PyObfx: Python obfuscator & packer
k3pler: Android network connection blocker and packet analyzer built on top of local HTTP proxy
PSAUX: Android task manager and automated background service killer
RTLion Framework: Multipurpose RTL-SDR Framework for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
(orhun λ ~) exit
grapheneX: Automated System Hardening Framework for Linux & Windows
pkgtop: Interactive package manager and resource monitor designed for the GNU/Linux
k3rmit: A VTE-based terminal emulator that aims to be simple, fast and effective
zps: A small utility for listing and reaping zombie processes on GNU/Linux
PyObfx: Python obfuscator & packer
k3pler: Android network connection blocker and packet analyzer built on top of local HTTP proxy
PSAUX: Android task manager and automated background service killer
RTLion Framework: Multipurpose RTL-SDR Framework for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
(orhun λ ~) exit