OSCurrency (short for “open source currency”) is a user-driven, open source platform to help communities build their own customizable economic networks using mutual credit cooperative transactions.

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Financial Contributions
You're a dedicated champion of one of our Partners. This donation allows a project (OSCurrency Deployment) of your choice to pick the issues and up... Read more
Our team of developers, executives, and entrepreneurs can listen to your ideas and give experienced feedback or answer questions about your project... Read more
Top financial contributors
$190 USD since Feb 2018
OSCurrency is all of us
Our contributors 3
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Transparent and open finances.
$529.05 USD
$659.79 USD
$130.74 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from OSCurrency
Updates on our activities and progress.
OSCurrency Relaunches - Will You Join Us?
Open Source, Mutual Credit Crowdfunding
2.14.18 Update, Ruby Upgrade, Demo on Deck

OSCurrency (short for “open source currency”) is a user-driven, open source platform to help communities build their own customizable economic networks using mutual credit cooperative transactions and connect into a wider network of peer communities for mutual benefit.
It is always open source and always free to download. https://github.com/oscurrency/oscurrency
The mission of the OSCurrency network is to build and maintain a transparent and user-friendly platform for mutual credit marketplaces to be used by communities and cooperatives as a means of payment and way to aggregate capital and resources to build local economies in resource-constrained environments.
Since 2008, open source activists, developers, community and business leaders have worked collaboratively to build a codebase that allows communities and cooperatives to build their own economies based on the principles of mutual credit. Currently, there are OSCurrency applications being used in business trade networks and time banks internationally. The OSCurrency network overview is at oscurrency.org and contributions an be made via our Open Collective page.
Our team
Devin Balkind
Amy Kirschner