Open Collective
Open Collective

Cloud CFD Hackathon

Monday, June 14, 2021, 9:30 AM - Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 9:00 PM (UTC-06:00)
Created by: OS Hackathon
Fiscal Host: WATERCHaNGE


The Cloud CFD hackathon is meant to provide hands-on training for OpenFOAM and Paraview users that are interested in expanding their compute resources onto Google Cloud. Attendees will learn how to work with an autoscaling HPC cluster on Google Cloud to run OpenFOAM simulations at scale and work with Paraview Client-Server connections backed by Google Cloud. Attendees will be introduced the Cloud CFD solution on Google Cloud that provides mesh generation tools (Gmsh and PyGmsh), OpenFOAM, and Paraview on an auto-scaling HPC cluster equipped with the Slurm job scheduler and workload manager. This solution allows researchers to quickly get started with running CFD workloads on the cloud in an environment that has a similar look & feel to traditional HPC computing centers.

Attendees will learn how to work in a cloud-native HPC environment to design and run OpenFOAM simulations and perform post-processing analysis with Paraview through hands-on tutorials and through interactions with subject matter experts. This event includes a mix of live tutorials and talks covering Google Cloud, OpenFOAM performance considerations, Paraview client-server infrastructure, and Paraview post-processing and visualization techniques. Attendees will have the option to run pre-canned simulations through codelabs or can bring their own simulation cases to run with OpenFOAM. Subject matter experts will be available over Discord and Google Meet to help attendees quickly get up and running with OpenFOAM and Paraview on Google Cloud.

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