Open Collective
Open Collective

Oshyan Greene

I’m a technology enthusiast, food lover, problem solver, photographer, business manager, and wilderness wanderer.

Total amount contributed

$72.93 USD


Hi there, I’m Oshyan (\ˈō-shən \), food lover and cocktail maker, technology enthusiast, problem solver, entrepreneur, optimizer, photographer and wilderness wanderer. 

Professionally I’ve worked in technology most of my career, starting in QA and IT for game companies, and moving into IT more broadly after that. I was the CTO at Bauman College for a number of years, then the Business Manager at Planetside Software for more than 10.

As of 2020 I have now moved into real estate, focusing on large-scale land development, housing projects, etc. While I am finding plenty of ways to connect my experience and skills to real estate, my passion remains in technology. So I still do occasional consulting in that area, as well as working to remain current in the industry.

I’m always seeking new opportunities and collaborative possibilities and hoping to move into entrepreneurship in the long-term. Get in touch if you’re interested in working together or you have any questions. I’m a pretty open book. 



Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #575973
Platform tip #575973
↑ Total contributed

$72.93 USD

↓ Total received with expenses

--.-- USD