Open Collective
Open Collective

פשוט טק

Fiscal Host: Made in JLM

יוצאים לעצמאות דיגיטלית - קורסים ומפגשים ללא עלות לגיל השלישי


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions


Monthly support helps create a stream of predictable monthly revenue that can be reinvested in growth opportunities for the organization. All donat... Read more

Starts at
₪5 ILS / month
Recurring contribution

Become a sponsor for ₪100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
₪100 ILS / month

פשוט טק is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting פשוט טק.


Seeniors is an  initiative that helps elderly citizens learn basic smartphone uses. Launched at the start of the pandemic we have created a community of over 2000 seniors that joined our whatsapp and email newsletter groups. Our website has over 100 free lessons with more than 200K pageviews. We also have lessons in english one of which explains the use of zoom with over 79K views. We provide frontal lessons in Hebrew, Russian and Amharic for seniors throughout Israel. 
 Our goal is to combat loneliness and help seniors achieve their purpose through technology.  

Our team