Hosting and administration for Portlandish Mastodon Instance at pdx.sh
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Portland Green
Get a Verified Portland Green™ Account with verified links in your profile! (Anyone can add verified links to your profile by adding a link with r... Read more
Starts at
$8 USD / month
Virtual parades will be thrown in your honor! 🎊 We'll collaborate with you to promote what is important to you or your organization on the server. ... Read more
Starts at
$100 USD / month
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Fénix to Portlandish •
Contribution #669158
Credit from Fénix to Portlandish •
Contribution #669158
Credit from Fénix to Portlandish •
Contribution #669158
Today’s balance$108.27 USD
Total income
$476.03 USD
Total disbursed
$367.76 USD
Estimated annual budget
$101.00 USD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Portlandish
Updates on our activities and progress.
Update on our run rate
I've updated the budget to reflect the monthly Google Cloud bill I'm getting these days. I've taken steps to prune the amount of data we are storing by running some provided Mastodon scripts but that has mostly flattened out the spend at ar...
Published on March 21, 2024 by highb
Back-filling Google Cloud Costs
I've back-filled the Google Cloud hosting costs I've paid so far, with the fantastic contributions you all have sent in mixed with an accounting of how much I've been "self-funding". I'm no accountant but I hope this level of detail provide...
Published on October 8, 2023 by highb
Portlandish is a local community Mastodon server with wild ambitions to disrupt the current mega-corporation (Amazon, Google, Microsoft) dominated cloud hosting business. Contributions go to server costs for hosting the community on Google Cloud. Server admins are currently doing the work gratis.
Our team