Open Collective
Open Collective
A Humans Update
Published on March 21, 2022 by Alysha Jaeger

Hi everyone! 

We have another humans update to share. 

After weeks of being persistent and placing many follow up calls, one of our humans finally received the good news that she was approved for a security deposit and one year’s worth of rent through Newcap, which is significant to her gaining housing. She has also gained approval for her Peer Humanity social worker to supervise the visits with her son, making it easier for her to see him more often, which is a huge win for her. Transportation has also been one of this human’s major barriers, and she is happy to now have a car to get to and from work and appointments. This human has also started drug treatment counseling in Green Bay and is looking to gain more hours at work, so many things are looking up for her. 

One of our humans has her focus on the small business she has created and is continuing to develop, to earn an income being self-employed. This human is learning new strategies for running her business and bringing in customers, as well as ways to broaden the current services she provides to reach a bigger scope of customers. At the same time, she is continuing to work to reach financial stability for herself and her family, and get her driver’s license back. This human is also focused on the needs of her child and has gotten further along in the process of possibly enrolling him in a program that would be a better fit for his needs, as he has struggled in a more traditional school setting. 

One of our humans is working to navigate the many barriers he faces and to meet his basic needs. This human has attended his recent court hearings and meetings with his parole officer. He is working to have this transferred to the county he currently resides in, instead of one hours away, and is taking the steps to connect with a public defender. This human is also working to obtain his driver’s license. This human is learning to reach out for and accept help from others, and Peer Humanity social workers and support staff are getting to know this human at the pace he feels comfortable, knowing that sharing traumas and working through life barriers is a huge undertaking, and humans need to feel safe and empowered through this process. 

One of our humans is continuing on his journey to become his best self in regards to his mental health. This human is taking the steps to address and work through issues with mental illness and addiction. He is also continuing to take care of responsibilities related to his legal situation. While working on this part of his journey, this human has also been forward-thinking in the type of life he wants to create and pursuits he wants to follow in the future. He has been learning business and entrepreneurship through courses, podcasts, and others in the community such as authors and others within the helping field, and he has connected with others in the community to start on a few projects related to his interests. 

One of our humans has felt a sense of relief after moving into housing recently after being homeless for years, and knowing that she will soon regain placement of her children. This human is working with her CPS worker through this process, and is communicating with her Peer Humanity social worker about preparation for this transition of them back to her care. Even though this human has overcome a lot, she has been honest about barriers she continues to face, including recent missteps, lessons learned, and ways she is pushing forward. This human is working to navigate an unsafe relationship, set boundaries with those in her life, and break the cycle of generational trauma to give her kids the best life possible. 

Thank you for all of your support. 

-The Peer Humanity Team