Thanks to your generous donations we've been able to buy our first thermal printer. In spirit of our project we bought a used decomissioned Zebra ZD620 which is going to be used to label our stock, parts and keep track of inventory, and print slips with specs for our volunteers! Thank you!
It's not only a utility, it's also a hacking challenge for our students and volunteers for its Zebra programming language the printer uses to print labels. A few of them have taken personal interest in working on building software for Linux that will give us the ability automate label printing, with free and open source software!
As we are making progress, some challanges persist, we will work on building a storage and labeling system, as none of the existing solutions seem to take into account our use cases. We've also expanded our repair lab with 4 new multilevel shelves.
We continue to raise funds for infrastructure and we invite and encourage everyone to consider becoming a monthly subscriber with as little as €5/m and supporting our project in the long run.