Open Collective
Open Collective

Поново / Ponovo

Поново / Ponovo is a project to repair and reuse electronics and batteries, ran by Pionir Free School.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #738330
Contribution #816740

Credit from Stefan to Поново / Ponovo

Contribution #816736
Today’s balance

€2,605.73 EUR

Total raised

€3,221.50 EUR

Total disbursed

€615.77 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€4,795.00 EUR


Поново / Ponovo is a project to repair and reuse electronics and batteries, ran by Pionir Free School.

We take in your unused, broken devices or electronic waste and give them a new life. We auction off the repaired devices and we buy saplings and fund our free school.

For every device you donate, you get a sapling/young tree in return (or we can plant it for you). More than 480 trees have been planted as part of our initiative, more than a tonne of e-waste has been repaired and at least a couple of thousand lithium cells have been recovered, refabricated and reused.

We reuse over 80% of all donated electronics, which means that less than 20% goes to recycling, which as we all know is a very labour and energy intensive process.

We fight for the right to repair and support degrowth, and we work on emancipating the masses on these ideas. We are advocating to make these principles regulatory, for the future of our planet where we, humans, are living on it in health and prosperity. Our ultimate goal is to develop, document and publish replicable methods and standards to prevent e-waste, by agitating for and building modular, sustainable and repariable devices.

We are most proud to be recepients of the "Zeleni list" - the most prestigious award for environmental protection and ecology in Serbia, for our work on Ponovo.

Our team

Милош Бабић

Epochs only put their marks on those who lives ...

Марко Кажић

A new world is being born, today we are nothing...


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
Месечна донација / Monthly donation

Донирајте једном месечно да помогнете нашу борбу за чистију Земљу. Donate once a month to support our fight for cleaner Earth.

Starts at
€5 EUR / month

Latest activity by

+ 2
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 114

Поново / Ponovo is all of us

Our contributors 118

Thank you for supporting Поново / Ponovo.


€350 EUR

You too can support this great recycle initiati...


€350 EUR


€230 EUR

Aleksandar Babic

€150 EUR

Aleksandar Pa...

€150 EUR

Boris Vujicic

€101 EUR

Great initiative, proudly support you guys!

Aleksandar Va...

€100 EUR

Aleksandar Kr...

€100 EUR


€80 EUR


€80 EUR


€70 EUR

Luka C

€60 EUR


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Поново / Ponovo

Updates on our activities and progress.

Билтен #3: Како вредност кружи кроз Поново?

Направили смо радионицу за клинце да их научимо како да обнављају електронику · Средином м...
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Published on December 1, 2024 by Милош Бабић

Билтен #2: Растемо заједно

Хајде да заједно очистимо земљу од е-отпада! · Много се прича о Поново у последње време и...
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Published on November 1, 2024 by Милош Бабић

Објавили смо другу верзију водича за борбу против е-отпада

Направили смо другу верзију водича за борбу против електронског отпада! Наши волонтери су спремил...
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Published on October 10, 2024 by Марко Кажић