Open Collective
Open Collective

Pocket Garden


UMI Climate Fund


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£5 GBP / month

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£100 GBP / month

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Support the following initiatives from Pocket Garden.

Creating a home for a kid's museums bee hives so that kids may also learn about the benefits of b...

Top financial contributors

Youth Climate Fund

£615.6 GBP since Aug 2021

Pocket Garden is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting Pocket Garden.


Transparent and open finances.

-₱3,910.00 PHP
£58.14 GBP
Reimbursement #128543
-£217.36 GBP
Invoice #61414
Invoice #56252
Today’s balance

£65.10 GBP

Total raised

£615.60 GBP

Total disbursed

£550.50 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


We co-create better public spaces for public health and well-being through a multidisciplinary approach focusing on: 

🔎 Collaborative Research

Working closely with other researchers, professionals, and citizens, we gather insights as a form of collective sensemaking in order to determine the value potential of a place or product.

✨ Innovative Design

We see design as a transformative tool that translates insights and transforms potential into a sustainable product or place. We apply this through tech-enabled spatial design and the visual identity of parks and recreational spaces.

👥 Participatory Placemaking

We see placemaking as a valuable process hinged on the shared values and identity of a community. Having the community involved in this process reaps social, economic, and environmental benefits.

We ground our work and collaborations on the following values: 

🤗 Community-First

We see communities as those with real knowledge of how a place can become better for all. As researchers and designers, we don’t seek to impose solutions but instead, become effective translators of a community’s deep insight and knowledge into transformative frameworks and space.

🙌🏽 Equity and Inclusion

Land development, especially urban development, has become an unhealthy industry because we’ve excluded many people in the process of planning, design, and building of our cities and townships. With more voices and insights into the mix, the better we can build places that are sustainable and valuable for the majority.

🌞 One Health For All (People and Nature)

We can no longer see a place as one that is truly healthy when nature isn’t taken into account. A healthy place needs a sense of balance and harmony between people and nature.

Our team