Open Collective
Open Collective
Monal developers announced they will be working on Quicksy branded version of Monal
Published on June 28, 2024 by Pirate Praveen

Monal developers will be at XMPP sprint in Berlin in two weeks to work on a Quicksy branded Monal. This will unblock our plan on building Prav branded Monal (we are waiting for this to avoid duplication). We have also found an iOS developer who is interested in building Prav branded Monal - Vaidik, who is a Google Summer of Code student working on Monal.

Meanwhile we have also resolved SMS delivery issues, this was a difficult problem to solve as there were no useful error messages. Finally Akshay figured out only people with coming via ipv6 were getting error messages and fixed it by configuring the server to also accept requests via ipv6 as well (in addition to existing ipv4 configurations).

On the bright side, we now have two SMS providers we can use, we added Vonage in addition to our existing Twilio SMS provider. 

Thanks to your contribution to build Prav for iOS users. Thanks also to people who are sponsoring the SMS gateway costs, hosting and domain charges, and also to all volunteers who contribute their time and effort.