Open Collective
Open Collective
Super Vernaculars – Design for a Regenerative Future
Published on August 10, 2022 by Sebastian Klemm

The Our Sci Reflectometer has been selected for the 27th Biennal of Design, Ljubljana

“The affordable Reflectometer as a tool can empower individuals and communities to better understand their land, how different farming practices can affect it and can give them the knowledge to advocate for themselves at a regional or policy level. The Reflectometer’s open source design is also a kind of vernacular, where knowledge is shared from person to person rather than sold as a commodity.
It is this combination of harnessing technology and vernacular approach that interested us and has the potential to catalyse change,”
says Ria Hawthorn, Assistant Curator of "Super Vernaculars – Design for a Regenerative Future" in our interview together with Nusa Zupanc, editor of BIO27, MAO

"Super Vernaculars – Design for a Regenerative Future" - curated by Jane Withers and Ria Hawthorn - is the 27th Biennal of Design in Ljubljana headed by Anja Radović and organised by MAO Slovenija

With the Reflectometer, Our Sci LLC, the Bionutrient Food Association, and The Bionutrient Institute are working in collaboration to build a community of meter users:
“We want users to be able to measure soil carbon, leaf chlorophyll content, brix from extracted sap, and the density of a pear fruit all at the same time with the same instrument. This not only reduces the cost and increases utility, it also spreads our development costs across multiple applications. Our Reflectometer design accommodates all of these uses,” says Dr. Dan TerAvest, soil scientist and co-founder of Our Sci.

We standby for your interest.
Best wishes,
Sebastian Klemm
Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas
