Open Collective
Open Collective
PyGAD 2.17.0
Published on July 8, 2022 by Ahmed Fawzy Gad

PyGAD 2.17.0
Release Date: 8 July 2022
  1. An issue is solved when the gene_space parameter is given a fixed value. e.g. gene_space=[range(5), 4]. The second gene's value is static (4) which causes an exception.
  2. Fixed the issue where the allow_duplicate_genes parameter did not work when mutation is disabled (i.e. mutation_type=None). This is by checking for duplicates after crossover directly.
  3. Solve an issue in the tournament_selection() method as the indices of the selected parents were incorrect.
  4. Reuse the fitness values of the previously explored solutions rather than recalculating them. This feature only works if save_solutions=True.
  5. Parallel processing is supported. This is by the introduction of a new parameter named parallel_processing in the constructor of the pygad.GA class. Thanks to @windowshopr for opening the issue #78 at GitHub. Check the Parallel Processing in PyGAD section for more information and examples.