PyGAD 3.1.0
Published on June 20, 2023 by Ahmed Fawzy Gad
Release Date 20 June 2023
- Fix a bug when the initial population has duplciate genes if a nested gene space is used.
- The gene_space parameter can no longer be assigned a tuple.
- Fix a bug when the gene_space parameter has a member of type tuple.
- A new instance attribute called gene_space_unpacked which has the unpacked gene_space. It is used to solve duplicates. For infinite ranges in the gene_space, they are unpacked to a limited number of values (e.g. 100).
- Bug fixes when creating the initial population using gene_space attribute.
- When a dict is used with the gene_space attribute, the new gene value was calculated by summing 2 values: 1) the value sampled from the dict 2) a random value returned from the random mutation range defined by the 2 parameters random_mutation_min_val and random_mutation_max_val. This might cause the gene value to exceed the range limit defined in the gene_space. To respect the gene_space range, this release only returns the value from the dict without summing it to a random value.
- Formatting the strings using f-string instead of the format() method.
- In the __init__() of the pygad.GA class, the logged error messages are handled using a try-except block instead of repeating the logger.error() command.
- A new class named CustomLogger is created in the pygad.cnn module to create a default logger using the logging module assigned to the logger attribute. This class is extended in all other classes in the module. The constructors of these classes have a new parameter named logger which defaults to None. If no logger is passed, then the default logger in the CustomLogger class is used.
- Except for the pygad.nn module, the print() function in all other modules are replaced by the logging module to log messages.
- The callback functions/methods on_fitness(), on_parents(), on_crossover(), and on_mutation() can return values. These returned values override the corresponding properties. The output of on_fitness() overrides the population fitness. The on_parents() function/method must return 2 values representing the parents and their indices. The output of on_crossover() overrides the crossover offspring. The output of on_mutation() overrides the mutation offspring.
- Fix a bug when adaptive mutation is used while fitness_batch_size>1.
- When allow_duplicate_genes=False and a user-defined gene_space is used, it sometimes happen that there is no room to solve the duplicates between the 2 genes by simply replacing the value of one gene by another gene. This release tries to solve such duplicates by looking for a third gene that will help in solving the duplicates. Check this section for more information.
- Use probabilities to select parents using the rank parent selection method.
- The 2 parameters random_mutation_min_val and random_mutation_max_val can accept iterables (list/tuple/numpy.ndarray) with length equal to the number of genes. This enables customizing the mutation range for each individual gene.
- The 2 parameters init_range_low and init_range_high can accept iterables (list/tuple/numpy.ndarray) with length equal to the number of genes. This enables customizing the initial range for each individual gene when creating the initial population.
- The data parameter in the predict() function of the pygad.kerasga module can be assigned a data generator.
- The predict() function of the pygad.kerasga module accepts 3 optional parameters: 1) batch_size=None, verbose=0, and steps=None. Check documentation of the Keras Model.predict() method for more information.
- The documentation is updated to explain how mutation works when gene_space is used with int or float data types. Check this section.