Open Collective
Open Collective

Quasar Admin

It Allows me to give much more time to maintain the project

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$5 USD / month
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$100 USD / month
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Quasar Admin is hosting the following events.

Past event
01:30 PM-02:00 PM UTC
Quasar Project Admin Design Pair Programming

Quasar Admin is all of us

Our contributors 1

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My name is Pratik Patel (also known as @pratik227). I noticed myself pulling into programming since 2013, and then determined myself to become a skilled and knowledgeable programmer. I started my career by working with HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, Vue.js, Elasticsearch, and Python and eventually introduced myself with Quasar-Framework. After getting hands-on experience on Quasar-Framework for 2 years, I got heavily involved in creating plugins for Quasar Framework such as QHierarchy-Quasar App Extension.

I have also written some of the articles on Quasar Framework and many more open source projects. You may have heard of some of my articles:

  • Adding Charts in Quasar
  • Adding Charts in Quasar using UMD (Unified Module Definition)
  • Dashboard using Quasar and ECharts
  • QHierarchy
  • QGrid
  • Quasar Admin
Also, I do believe in Free or Open Source Software (FOSS) because sharing of knowledge makes the world a better place to live in. Also, for sustaining in the market, there are several ways to sustain FOSS.

  1. Financial backing
  2. Contributing
    a. Reporting bugs
    b. Requesting features
    c. Fixing bugs
    d. Adding features
    e. Community involvement

Our team