Queer Futures Collective (The Orfelia Project)
We can build what we imagine - a community of Midwestern creative queer futurists envisioning a club night from 2054
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
1 sticker! Just kidding, we're nice. 2 Orfelia stickers as a thank you for your support. Input your shipping address into this form! https://forms... Read more
With this donation, you will receive a pack of 5 Orfelia stickers! Read more
A copy of "An Experiment into the Future of Nightlife" Read more
Contribute to artist costs, fees, and support our ongoing work. You'll be added to our close friends story on Instagram where you'll have access to... Read more
5 stickers and a "Meet you on the dancefloor in 2054" postcard thank you from ERDR. Input your shipping address into this form! https://forms.gle/... Read more
Support the following initiatives from Queer Futures Collective (The Orfelia Project).
Queer Futures Collective (The Orfelia Project) is all of us
Our contributors 28
Thank you for supporting Queer Futures Collective (The Orfelia Project).
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Adrian Choy to Queer Futures Collective (The Orfelia Project) •
Credit from Squeezledorf McButtMuffin to Queer Futures Collective (The Orfelia Project) •
$116.26 USD
$29,473.34 USD
$29,357.08 USD
$21,463.36 USD
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Queer Futures Collective (The Orfelia Project)
Updates on our activities and progress.
June 2054: Anticipation and lots of emails
May 2054: Catch us at Movement
March update
We’re a community of creative queer futurists spanning Detroit, Chicago, and Minneapolis and a variety of media, from fiber art to generative design. We’ve invited artists to share what in today's world leaves them aching for something different and take you along to explore the alternatives.