radio Krov is a decentralized sound platform launched by the collective of organizations within DC Krov. It offers a space for anyone interested in exploring various artistic expressions through experimental and classic radio formats, encompassing various art forms, anthropology, ethnomusicology, psychology, and other social and cultural sciences.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Recurring contribution
Krov space & studio
krovići [roofies] goes for our space > rent, bills, equipment, server [the machine god], cables [never enough cables], microphones, sound equipment... Read more
Starts at
€1 EUR / month
Custom contribution
Radio Krovljani [roofmen]
This goes for fellows who run radio quests> dmz.rs [opensource orchestra who are guarding the server] - seraphi who runs back, front and around rad... Read more
Starts at
€5 EUR
Custom contribution
Druzina Krovljana [coop roofmen]
This goes for our community > ana who shifts our ideas into actions - ana who is guardian of keeping the space clean - RPC who often goes to uncann... Read more
Starts at
€1 EUR
radio Krov is hosting the following events.
08:00 PM UTC