Open Collective
Open Collective
Status Update and Thank you to the early backers!
Published on January 31, 2020 by Connor Turland

Thank you to early backers of the Rapid Sensemaking Framework!

The early work on RSF has been so far by myself, Connor Turland, Robert Best, and Pegah Vaezi.

We have accomplished a few things recently. One, we migrated our servers over to DigitalOcean, away from "heroku", which was limiting us.

There is a new release of our prototype application, being called CoSense, which is compatible with the new server setup. If you have a Mac, check it out here!

We have yet to design any of the brand identity for Rapid Sensemaking Framework, which means our Open Collective still looks rather dull, however, we will be working on that soon! We are assembling a proposal which may result in a modest funding stream for some further design and development work on the application.

Our goals are to validate the hypothesis of RSF: that we are assembling a framework which will be useful in diverse circumstances for gathering data, and driving participation in processes of social thinking, involving ideation, deliberation, and other forms of sensemaking.

We will do this by finding communities with which to test the software, for its value to the community, in real-world settings. We already have communities showing up, such as the Collective Intelligence Collaboratory initiative. See here:

We will share more soon, and fill in this Open Collective profile very soon!

Again, thanks for showing your support, looking forward to what emerges this year.
