Open Collective
Open Collective

Rapid Sensemaking Framework

The rapid sensemaking framework is a set of tools designed to facilitate human conversation, ideation, reasoning, and decision taking at increasing scale by operating across common chat platforms and protocols


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Financial Contributions

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Starts at
$5 USD / month

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$20 USD / month

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Top financial contributors

Philip Sheldrake

$290 USD since Apr 2020

Gyuri Lajos

$198 USD since Jan 2020

Christina Bowen

$140 USD since Dec 2019

Rapid Sensemaking Framework is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting Rapid Sensemaking Framework.

Philip Sheldrake


$290 USD

Gyuri Lajos

$198 USD

Make sense of the Annotated Web as an extension...

Christina Bowen


$140 USD


Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #158852
Contribution #62428
Contribution #158852
Today’s balance

$496.66 USD

Total raised

$496.66 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$72.00 USD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Rapid Sensemaking Framework

Updates on our activities and progress.

Status Update and Thank you to the early backers!

Thank you to early backers of the Rapid Sensemaking Framework!The early work on RSF has been so far by myself, Connor Turland, Robert Best, and Pegah Vaezi. We have accomplished a few things recently. One, we migrated our servers over to...
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Published on January 31, 2020 by Connor Turland


The goal with the Rapid Sensemaking Framework is to open the flood gates of participation  for people to come together and make sense of, and move forward on wicked problems. This happens best when talented facilitators host and frame conversations. In order to make this possible, we are building plugins for a growing suite of chat tools and applications, and extending the framework. Each new type of accessibility brings a whole other demographic of participants into the mix, bridging in their vital ideas, and perspectives.

Our team