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Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Tin Nguyen
$20 USD since Jun 2021
$15 USD since Sep 2024
React Multi Carousel is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting React Multi Carousel.

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from UMLBoard to React Multi Carousel •
Contribution #791797
Balance transfer
Contribution #184574
Today’s balance$12.26 USD
Total raised
$29.38 USD
Total disbursed
$17.12 USD
Estimated annual budget
$15.00 USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from React Multi Carousel
Updates on our activities and progress.
We are on a very excited journey towards version 3.0 of this component.
Dear users,We have been working on version 3.0 of this Carousel component, It is being rewritten with hooks and context.Smaller bundle size.Performance improvement.New api for example ```useCarousel ``` allows easier customization, and f...
Published on April 2, 2020 by Yi

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Thanks a lot for visiting!
If you're benefiting from my projects, you can support me by donating some amount of money. A star or a tweet for the project is always welcome also.
With that, I will be able to better maintain existing projects by making faster releases, bug fixes, fulfilling new feature requests or create new Open Source project.
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If you have any question, you can contact me at [email protected]
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