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Support the following initiatives from RealLexi & DDKits.
Real Estates Virtual World Game - Real time multiplayer game with 600,000+ properties to invest in
Free API management platform for all API needs, APIs, applications and monetization
Financial Platform for construction community
Video Downloader and Ads blocker
Browser base Code editor, Also portal for API documentation for Open API and Async APIs specs and...
RealLexi the Real Word - Blog
Mawajez News - The real hub of world wide news
Local Environment development CLI
RealLexi & DDKits is all of us
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Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from RealLexi & DDKits
Updates on our activities and progress.
ApiDocPro UI Render for Async, Swagger and OpenAPI UI rendering v1 is live
ApiDocPro UI Render for Async, Swagger and OpenAPI UI rendering v1 is live For documentation https://ui.apidocpro.com for a live editor with our new API Do...
Published on April 8, 2023 by Sam Ayoub
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
How can we help your business or yourself to grow
Published on February 26, 2023 by Sam Ayoub
How can we help your business or yourself to grow? tell us how we can help and we would love to help even without any donation or money, we are here to help not to charge

Development improves every day, and to keep developers on track, learning is a big part of it.
Learning to code is not about language or purpose, it's all about the logic and output. Programming languages came to solve this problem by facilitating the productivity and simplicity of the projects, but in general, the work from any of these languages can be the same. Same in results however different stabilities, performance, and maintaining processes.
For RealLexi it's not one language or 10 languages, it's about how to use any language to successfully build any Saas or Paas with any of these languages, putting in perspective the final project and who this project end users are.
RealLexi Projects are fully free and built by one person, which is me, Sam Ayoub, why free? simple question, everything online is for money, however, I know that everything happening online can be free, from hosting, gaming, programming, and more.
By Supporting us, we can keep providing different services for free, for companies and individuals that they are looking to grow with no money to do so.
Also, even without supporting us, just send us what you would like to see online for free, and we would love to help you find the best of the best solution or we build it for you and the rest of the world for free.
Learning to code is not about language or purpose, it's all about the logic and output. Programming languages came to solve this problem by facilitating the productivity and simplicity of the projects, but in general, the work from any of these languages can be the same. Same in results however different stabilities, performance, and maintaining processes.
For RealLexi it's not one language or 10 languages, it's about how to use any language to successfully build any Saas or Paas with any of these languages, putting in perspective the final project and who this project end users are.
RealLexi Projects are fully free and built by one person, which is me, Sam Ayoub, why free? simple question, everything online is for money, however, I know that everything happening online can be free, from hosting, gaming, programming, and more.
By Supporting us, we can keep providing different services for free, for companies and individuals that they are looking to grow with no money to do so.
Also, even without supporting us, just send us what you would like to see online for free, and we would love to help you find the best of the best solution or we build it for you and the rest of the world for free.
Our team
Sam Ayoub